Casual Fridays at the office are fairly commonplace, finding their start during the late 1960s in the United States. Distinguish your company’s laidback day of the week with a special touch by encouraging employees to make custom T-shirts. Casual Friday outfits are a way for your staff members to express themselves and dress comfortably at work. Build on that concept by inspiring people to work together for matching group shirts, and you can help them get started with the following ideas from BlueCotton.
Department-Wide Custom Tees
Many businesses have departments with enough employees to make their own coordinated tees for casual Friday work outfits. Medical institutions and technology companies are especially well-suited to this, with lab technicians, pediatrics, nurses and other healthcare professionals as well as programmers and IT support for technical businesses. Talk to the heads of these departments and ask them to get together with their team to brainstorm custom looks. They can use our design ideas as inspiration, or start with their own artwork.
Other companies may need to get inventive with this structure. A restaurant or bar might consider having the marketing team make their own casual Friday outfits for work while the operations staff have their own tees for the occasion. By basing these custom shirt days on your team sizes and structures, you’ll find a good system that suits your business.
Creating a Contest Between Locations
T-shirt design contests can boost engagement at your company, and you can get even more from them when you combine that idea with casual Friday at work. Inspire some friendly competition between different branches or locations to see who can get more imaginative with their custom tees. Many gyms and fitness centers have several places to offer convenience to members, for example. With these, you’ll want to be sure to remind your administrative employees to design their own fashions (so there won’t be any accidental overlap by using our ideas gallery).
Regional divisions are another option for companies that are less likely to have client-facing stores, and it also suits remote teams that can take pictures of their unique styles and share them digitally. Team building can be a weekly effort when you’ve got our super rush tees and the Shirts in a Day collection.
Upgrading Casual Fridays at Work With BlueCotton
There are a lot of names in the customization industry, and not all of them will have the same service and benefits. We distinguish ourselves with dedicated customer service and by managing every stage of production in-house. All design, embroidery, printing, shipping and packaging is done in the U.S. with our qualified staff. That’s how we can offer guaranteed delivery and ship to various addresses for your custom order of Casual Friday attire. You can also meet your budget and your team-building goals with our quick price tool.
We’re proud to say that some customers have sworn by our thorough service from their very first order. Get a casual Friday shirt for your team, sweatshirts for a company trip and lots more to bring your business together.