Twenty-one years ago tomorrow, on August 12, 1990, Susan Hendrickson made an amazing discovery. In a cliff face near Faith, South Dakota, Hendrickson found what would turn out to be the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton in known existence. Eventually named “Sue”–after its discoverer–the skeleton was very well-preserved and over 90 percent complete. By now you…
Celebrity Primates Rage Over “Rise of The Planet of the Apes”
The roaring success of “Rise of The Planet of the Apes” at the weekend Box Office prompted BlueCotton to contact a few celebrity primates for comment. “Rise of The Planet of the Apes” raked in $54 million this weekend, outpacing “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “The Smurfs.” While we were unable to reach Gargamel…
Dan’s Love
Check out our next door neighbor and an extended member of the BlueCotton family Dan and his Hanes 5170 t-shirt. Dan loves this shirt because it is a light, 5.5 ounce, 50/50 cotton/polyester blend that lets his “guns” breathe. Dan’s green side loves that it is made with up to 5% polyester from recycled plastic….
Chuck Norris’ favorite T-Shirt
Chuck Norris’ favorite t-shirt is the American Apparel TR401. This tri-blend shirt is made with 50% polyester, 25% cotton, and 25% rayon. The polyester helps retain the shape of the shirt while Chuck throws his deadly punches and roundhouse kicks. The cotton in the shirt lends to both cotton and durability (not that Chuck needs…
BLTs and Bacon Ts
This weeks BlueCotton lunch featured BLTs made with homegrown, heirloom tomatoes from Brad and Mike’s garden. The office smelled like bacon all day – which isn’t a bad thing. For all you “baconistas” out there, check out these t-shirts and designs that will express your “baconmania” and your love of the best meat ever. Check…
Cassette Tapes: The Zombie Media Format That Still Thrives on Threads
“Once upon a time there was something more powerful than Twitter, MySpace and Facebook combined. It was a platform that brought people together and allowed a you a chance to paint on a blank canvas with music. This, ladies and gentleman was the mixtape. For over 25s the mixtape was the status update of the…