There’s a lot of noise on the web. You probably know that just as well as anyone. Every day, you’re bombarded with businesses and brands that want your attention – eventually, you tune out all but the ones that resonate with you the most.
Everything You Need To Know About T-Shirt Copyright Law
So, you want to start a T-shirt business? That’s awesome, but I’d be lying if I said it would be easy. It won’t – that’s exactly what’ll make it so worthwhile. Aside from the usual stuff you’ll need to understand in terms of creating a business, there’s the rather sticky issue of copyright. How do…
Three Tips For Perfect Color Coordination In Your T Shirt Designs
Unless you’re going entirely for earth-tones and shades of gray, your T-shirts are probably going to end up being pretty colorful. If you don’t have a solid understanding of how to coordinate those colors, that might be a bad thing. While there’s certainly something to be said for tye-dye shirts, trying to put together a…
Thinking Of Starting Out In T-Shirt Design? Here Are Five Things You Need To Know First
So, you want to start designing t-shirts? That’s awesome! Provided you’ve got the inspiration to create some awesome designs and the determination to see your plans through, you have the potential to do great things! Of course, there are a few things you’ll need to take into account before you get started.
Great Stock Art Sources For Your T-Shirt Designs
Even the best designers sometimes need to look elsewhere for inspiration – and even the best artists borrow from one another. It’s a fact of life, and anyone in a creative field will tell you as much. Of course, there’s a big difference between borrowing someone’s designs and simply settling for stock artwork, right?
Three Mistakes First-Time Charities Make (And How To Avoid Them)
So, you want to found a charitable organization? That’s fantastic! Success in the field of fundraising can be one of the most rewarding, fulfilling experiences you’ll ever see.