Perfectionism on the surface doesn’t really sound like such a bad thing, does it? After all, why shouldn’t we want to do an exceptional job? Why shouldn’t we want to do our work perfectly? Unfortunately, in practice, perfectionism is a whole lot more toxic than the simple pursuit of excellence. Missed deadlines. Mounting stress and…
5 Healthy Snacks to Keep in Your Desk
You aren’t supposed to snack at your desk. Grazing while you work is generally considered unhealthy. But all of us do it, especially now that many of us are working from home. Rather than waste too much time and energy stressing yourself out over the fact that you’re eating when you shouldn’t be, we recommend…
3 Things Your Business Can Do To Make Remote Staff More Productive
Remote work has been possible for many years, yet many organizations have only offered it as an afterthought. The coronavirus pandemic has changed that. Distributed work was always going to be the future, but it’s a future that has now arrived early. Outside of a global pandemic, working from home can be immensely beneficial. It…
Is the 40-Hour Workweek Still Relevant? Evidence Suggests No
Developed during the industrial revolution in the 19th-century, the concept of eight-hour workdays and forty-hour workweeks was intended to prevent the exploitation of workers. At the time, factory staff frequently faced 16-hour shifts. The move may have been viewed as dramatic and disruptive back then, but the times change. There is now mounting evidence that…
The Importance of Keeping Cool in the Workplace
Summer’s here once again. The nights are long, the sun gleams brightly overhead, and the days are hotter than ever. Whether you’re at the office, working outside, or working from home, rising summer temperatures shouldn’t be taken lightly – especially if they stem from a heatwave. An uncomfortably high body temperature or an overly warm…
5 Essential Stress Management Techniques for Remote Work
Workplace stress can be challenging to recognize, as it presents differently for everyone. Remote work has only exacerbated the issue. A lack of social interaction, the temptation to work endlessly, and a lack of conversation combine to create a dangerous emotional cocktail. The strain of prolonged isolation can lead to multiple mental health problems, including…