Be honest — are you wearing pants at the moment? If you’re like most working professionals who’ve been dialing into the office during the pandemic, the answer is probably an emphatic ‘no.’ And you’re not alone in that. The coronavirus has been uniquely-challenging in multiple ways, and its influence has redefined not only how we…
Celebrate Mother’s Day in Quarantine With These Shirts
From homeschooling kids through a pandemic to keeping the family running strong, all moms deserve some recognition for their hard work. While you’ll probably be quarantining for this Mother’s Day as well, at least you can still enjoy it with some humorous t-shirts. Whether the woman in your life has unprecedented patience or a sassy…
5 Pieces of Advice To Help You Hit the Ground Running in 2021
We’re over a month into 2021. Now’s the perfect time to reflect, focus, and improve. Here’s a bit of advice on how you can do so.
3 Important Things To Remember About Wearing a Mask
If we want the coronavirus pandemic to end anytime soon, we all need to do our part. That includes wearing masks. Provided, of course, we do so correctly.
3 Mental Exercises To Help You Cope With Workplace Stress
About 80 percent of workers feel stress on the job, and about half say that they want to learn how to manage stress. Unfortunately, this trend continues to rise as 75 percent of employees believe that work pressures have increased dramatically from the previous generation. While stress is uncomfortable, it also puts a strain on…
3 Hobbies To Help Unwind During Quarantine
To say that it’s been a rough year would be putting it lightly. At this point, most of us are running on fumes. We’re stressed, exhausted, and run-down —and with many regions of the world facing a second wave of COVID-19 (and further lockdowns), it doesn’t look like it’s going to get better anytime soon….