“The Avengers” t-shirts have been assembled and rounded up for today for you all you fanboys and fangirls from the far reaches of the internet universe. Feast your eyes!
Mike Scott at The Times-Picayune says it best: “A years-in-the-making comic book casserole, “The Avengers” teams up some of the Marvel Comics universe’s most iconic superheroes — along with some of its lesser-known ones — all in one big, fat, popcorn-devouring, world-saving package.
Directed by the amazing Joss Whedon (think Toy Story, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse and Firefly – all of which he wrote, directed or both), The Avengers promises to be a action-packed, superhero-filled good time.
Check out a few of the t-shirts we found featuring “The Avengers” below.