The best day of the year is just around the corner. We’re talking, of course, about April Fool’s Day. It’s the one day of the year when everyone can really kick back, relax, and laugh at the absurdity of life.
That’s how we celebrate it, anyway.
After all, what good is it being alive if we can’t crack a smile every now and then? That’s why this year, we’ve gathered together a few T-shirt designs and ideas that we feel really embody the spirit of April Fool’s. Have a look and see if there’s one that speaks to you or makes you crack a smile.
And if not, you can always hop over to our Design Studio and create your own – we’d love to see what you can come up with.
1. A Very Good Point

It’d be the ultimate prank, wouldn’t it? We can’t say we can see any holes in this idea, either – maybe it’s time to change the date?
2. Surely, You Jest

Our next entry is a pretty simple, to-the-point design. We love it anyway. It’s a perfect blend of serious and ridiculous – exactly the kind of thing that personifies the day.
3. Knowing Thyself

On April Fool’s Day, there are two kinds of people: pranksters and fools. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you’re the latter.
4. Sdrawkcab Ti Gnitteg

For when you just can’t help but mess with people a bit. Plus, there’s something kinda catchy about the phrase “yad sloof lirpa.” Or is that just us?
5. A Gentle Reminder

An April Fool’s spin on a classic saying. And also a good reminder for how to spend the day if you aren’t a prankster yourself.
6. The Man. The Myth. The Legend

We’ve gotta admit, this is one of our favorite kinds of designs. It’s simple, it’s eye-catching, and it’s oh so meta.
7. Let’s Call It What It Is

April Fool’s Day is all about the pranks, after all.
8. Playing Into Easter

If you really stop and think about it, the resurrection could be viewed as a very late April Fool’s Day prank. After all, if there’s one thing you can say about Jesus, it’s that he’s a man who knew how to party.
9. Working To Live, Not Living To Work

We hope anyone who wears this shirt does so ironically. And if not, we hope they can find a job they enjoy enough that they will.
10. Another Day, Another Shirt, Another Fool
We’ll leave off with another design that’s a nice blend of simple and goofy.

Happy April Fool’s Day! Try not to get pranked too hard. Or better yet, make sure you’re the one doing the pranking.