Just the other day, Tom, our General Operations Manager, was seen wearing a new shirt he designed using our award winning Design Studio. Tom, of course, chose his favorite shirt, the American Apparel BB401, as the canvas for his Three Wolf BlueCotton Moon masterpiece. When asked about his new shirt, Tom simply listed the pros and cons:
Pros: Fits my slender frame; has wolves on it; my wife likes it.
Cons: Only 3 wolves; could probably use a few more on the ‘guns’; cannot see wolves when sitting with arms crossed; wolves would have been better if they glowed in the dark.
What Tom doesn’t realize is that this shirt permeates so much mystical power that Chuck Norris is scared. Adam, one of our graphic designers, is so enamored with its mystical powers that he is going to get this design tattooed on his lower back tomorrow morning.