Some things are just meant to go together. Ren and Stimpy, Batman and Robin, Bert and Ernie…so it goes for Saturday morning cartoons and breakfast cereal. Last week, I blogged about t-shirt designs inspired by firework labels. This week, I was inspired by Cheerios 70th birthday to bring you a visual smorgasbord of cereal t-shirts.
“Television took advertising for sugar cereals to a new level, and the master of the new medium was an ad man named Leo Burnett. He invented TV programs specifically designed to entertain children and sell Kellogg’s products. Much like Skippy a decade before, Burnett’s characters would turn to the screen in the middle of a show and pitch the merits of a particular brand. There was nothing subtle about it. Howdy Doody, Roy Rogers, Andy Griffith, Rin Tin Tin, the Beverly Hillbillies, Yogi Bear, and Fred Flintstone all became television icons because they were good at selling cereal.”
~ Read more about “How Cereal Transformed American Culture” by the mag
As I browsed the web for breakfast cereal t-shirts, I took a short jaunt through the cereal box graveyard and found a few that do not enjoy Cheerios longevity. Cereal manufacturers wrote the book on how to effectively market products to children. If it isn’t the movie-tie-in product, its the promise of a surprise toy inside. (We’ll be right back with the cereal t-shirts, after a word from our old-school sponsors below.)
And now..back to the blog…
10. Playing off the classic 80’s movie “The Breakfast Club”, Kellogg’s offers their own breakfast club featuring the mascots of several of their flagship cereals.9. Post Cereal’s Count Chocula, Boo Berry and Frankenberry take a little stroll together.
8. Tony the Tiger was created in 1952, but didn’t grace his first cereal box until 1958. Tony, in his most recognizable form shown above, was introduced in the 1970s.7. Toucan Sam became the mascot for Froot Loops cereal in 1963. The cartoon character was created by Manuel R. Vega and originally voiced by legendary voice actor Mel Blanc.6. Sugar Smacks were introduced in 1953 and have undergone several name changes. Dig ‘Em the Frog is the official mascot.5. Trix cereal was first introduced in 1954 by General Mills. Unlike other mascots, the Rabbit does not have a name…just a silly rabbit.
4. The mascot of Cocoa Puffs is Sonny the Cuckoo Bird, whose catchphrase is “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs”. The cereal was first introduced in 1958.
3. Lucky Charms were created in 1962 by John Holahan. General Mills had challenged a team of new product developers to use the available manufacturing capacity from either of General Mills’ two principal cereal products—Wheaties or Cheerios—and do something unique to them. Holahan came up with the idea after a visit to the grocery store in which he decided to mix Cheerios with bits of Brach’s Circus Peanuts.2. Famously “The Breakfast of Champions”…until this very t-shirt was worn by Vinny on Mtv’s Jersey Shore.1. Wheaties was created in 1922, as a result of an accidental spill of a wheat bran mixture onto a hot stove by a Minnesota clinician working for the Washburn Crosby Company (later General Mills).
2 thoughts on “The Top 10 Saturday Morning T-Shirts (That Might Turn Your Milk Pink)”
I am wanting to purchase a Coco for coco puff shirt. Where can I find one? I need a Large or Extra Large one.
Thank you
Hi, Tami. BlueCotton does not sell these particular shirt styles. We just used our blog to highlight some cool t-shirt designs others have created. BlueCotton is a custom-tee provider. Go to our website,, and you can create your very own custom t-shirts in our design studio!
I am wanting to purchase a Coco for coco puff shirt. Where can I find one? I need a Large or Extra Large one.
Thank you
Hi, Tami. BlueCotton does not sell these particular shirt styles. We just used our blog to highlight some cool t-shirt designs others have created. BlueCotton is a custom-tee provider. Go to our website,, and you can create your very own custom t-shirts in our design studio!