Does your fraternity or sorority need custom t-shirts? Use our t-shirt maker to design your own.
A line name is a unique badge that signifies a member’s identity in a fraternity or sorority. Naturally, this means each line name should be unique. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.
Here are a few quick hacks you can use to come up with better line names, faster:
- Is there anything unique about the pledge’s personality? A defining character trait/flaw, or an aspect of their attitude that jumps out?
- What physical tics, mannerisms, or habits does the pledge possess?
- What do the pledge’s tastes in music look like? Do they have a favorite song or artist?
- What kinds of books does the pledge read – if they read at all?
- Does the pledge play video games? What games?
- What other hobbies does the pledge have? Anything unusual?
- Does the pledge have any favorite TV shows or movies?
- What are the pledge’s favorite fictional characters?
- Does the pledge remind you of someone on sight alone – for example, a character from a book or TV series?
- What kinds of clothes does the pledge usually wear?
- Are there any memorable or funny stories about the pledge floating around the group?
- What’s your chapter name?
- Where is the pledge from?
- What is the pledge studying in college?
- What possessions does the pledge have? Is there anything they seem like they can’t live without?
- What traits does the pledge share with the other pledges in their line?
- What’s the pledge’s family background? Have there been other members of the pledge’s family in this frat/sorority before?
- Does the line name have to be in English?
- Is there some sort of theme for this year’s line? For example, 90s sitcoms, famous authors, etc.
- Does the pledge have traits in common with a god/goddess? A famous figure from history? A mythological creature?
And to wrap things up, a few tips on forming your line name once you’ve figured out what it’ll be based on:
- Puns are always appreciated, such as Ice-Olated.
- Feel free to use alternative spellings. For example, someone from the Epsilon sorority with a tendency for over-the-top reactions might be called Ensane.
- Abbreviations aren’t out of the question, either.
- Play on the connections between pledges. One frat brother tells the story of how he and his friend from high school were given the names of Ace and Gary.
- You probably shouldn’t be too insulting or offensive when coming up with a name – after all, these people are your brothers or sisters, right?
A line name is something that’s unique to each pledge – and it’s up to you to make sure of that. With the advice given here, you should be much better equipped to do so. Now get out there, and give your pledges some nicknames that’ll really stick.
Does your fraternity or sorority need custom t-shirts? Use our t-shirt maker to design your own.